Healing Arts Web Design

Category - Web Design

For Clients, Web Design

Using Business Goals to Help Determine Website Budgets

Heads up! This is a long post about budgets, with the goal of providing more transparency in the website design field. When it comes to website budgets, I tell many prospective clients that their budget should be based off of the following question: What short-term and long-term business goals are you trying to meet and how important is your website in helping to achieve these goals?

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For Clients, Web Design

4 Yoga Studio Website Mistakes

I see a lot of yoga studio websites, and there are a few missing elements that I see over and over again. Fixing one or all of these mistakes below can boost your studio's class sizes, outreach, and bottom line.

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For Clients, Web Design

Resources for Envisioning Your Website

Have you been putting off creating a website because you can’t picture the end result? This article will take you from vague concept to comfort zone when it comes to mapping out a site that’s true to who you are and ready to build. Where to begin? Since images and photography often shape the mood

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Web Design

Why The Quality of your Website’s Code Matters

There are lots of ways to see a website project to completion. Some web designers do both design and coding work, and others will just design and have a developer turn their work into a functioning website. While it's important to find a designer that can pull off the visual aspects of the project, it's equally important to make sure that the website's code is high quality.

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Inspiration, Thoughts, Web Design

The Space in Between the Notes

In jazz music, space is important. Miles Davis was an undisputed master of creating space in his improvised solos. His music sounded deceptively simple and effortless. Whatever came out of his horn seemed so honest and fresh, like he was having a fireside chat with himself on stage. Decades later his music continues to draw us

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Web Design

A Few Practical CSS Resets and Defaults

Here are some CSS resets that I have been using on all of my stylesheets of late that take into modern workflows like responsive design and CSS3 usage.

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For Clients, Web Design

Tips for Taking the Best Website Photos

Here are some suggestions that I have gathered as an experienced web designer that could help make your photos and web design project more successful. Hopefully some of these tips will help you during your photo shoot for your website.

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Web Design

Combining Vectors into One Shape in Photoshop

If you're a designer that uses Photoshop all day like me, you might appreciate a few tips for using the shape tool a little more efficiently.

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